Youthwork Resources

Here’s our list of recommended Youth Work Resources just click on the logos to take a look…

Kinsugui Hope

Kintsugi Hope Youth Wellbeing course is a great, supportive space for young people to share openly and learn tools for self-management in a facilitated peer mentoring style setting.


Youthscape have lots of innovative ideas, research, podcasts and a store where you can purchase resources as well as free resources too.

Youth for Christ

Inspiring and equipping every church to reach young people in their community.

Bible Project

Amazing short animated films exploring biblical topics. Great for young people to engage with.

Youth Alpha

A video series exploring life, faith and meaning. Perfect for discipleship and evangelism.

Prayer Space

Youth & Childrens Work magazine and Limitless partnership. Leadership development for youth and kids workers.

Mission Academy

Mission Academy Live is a series of 10 innovative video-based sessions, each one empowering young people as missional disciples within a small group context.

Soul Survivor

Soul Survivor have a huge amount of great video talks from previous festivals.

Leadership 101

Youth & Childrens Work magazine and Limitless have partnered to bring you some great Leadership development videos for youth and kids workers.

Scripture Union

Providing a range of resources for children and young people to discover Jesus and live out their faith.

We Are Tearfund

All about empowering a generation who together can end extreme poverty.


Some great resources for preparing young people to go to uni.