Schools Work Resources


These resources for Rock Solid have been tried and tested since 2008. The material provides you with a programme of sessions to fit into a half-term (6-7 sessions), each with it’s own theme.

They have been used in lunch time clubs where the children have been able to bring their lunch along beforehand, which gives added time for an extra activity, or just a get to know you chat! However, if you only have a half hour club squeezed in to a lunch break, pick out what suits you best from the session. You could just do a craft one week or just the game.

The material has been produced to be relevant to all, whatever their beliefs, to help young people gain some understanding of the Christian faith, and to feel valued and cared for individually.

Finally, make it your own … be you and share Jesus well!

Autumn Term 1: What is God like?

6 sessions on what God is like. Please click below to download the session plans.

Autumn Term 2: All things Christmassy!

Using Christmas songs we take a look at the deeper meaning behind them. 7 sessions to choose from!

Spring Term 1: Who do you follow?

5 sessions which look at some of the experiences of Jesus’ disciples. What we can learn from them?

Spring Term 2: The disciples follow Jesus.

6 sessions leading up to Easter. Is this the end of the story? Or just the beginning? Please click below to download the session plans.

Summer Term 1: What a difference!

6 sessions taking a look at what happened next…. starting with the early church and going on to the teachings of Jesus.

Summer Term 2: Building on the ROCK

Jesus said “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock”. 5 sessions


Please email us if you have any feedback - we would love to hear from you.