Since the summer of 2011, we have been running our week-long prayer room project, Prayspace, in our local schools. Recently it has become very popular and now forms a core element of our work in schools.
For a week we take over a space in school and fill it with exciting, intriguing, interactive and beautiful creative prayer activities. Covering a variety of themes including Thankfulness, and Forgiveness, Change and World (to name just a few), these quiet, still spaces are loved by students and staff alike.
We have become experienced at fitting the stations to many different sized rooms, from pretty small, to very large! We can also adapt our stations to suit a young person whatever there age or abilities and have recently done our first Prayspace in a Primary school.
Along with BCY staff, volunteers from local churches help form the teams of Prayspace Guides that act as facilitators for students throughout the week.
To discuss booking a Prayspace week for your school, contact us by clicking here.
Browse the gallery below for a flavour of what Prayspace looks like…
The Miracle Question
Very British Question for God!
Questions for God
Thank You Tree
Your Journey
Letting go of Anger
You are loved
Big Questions for God
Prayers for our World
The Empty Chair
Prayspace in action
People Pegs
Students in Prayspace
Prayspace event