
Very often RE is spiced up by meeting people who actually believe what you’ve been learning about from a book in class. And that’s where we come in…

Our input in to RE is all about supporting the learning of the students. Lessons will always be tailored to fit a school’s requirements within their provision of PSHE / RE / Ethics, and we always try to include time for open Q&A at the end of our lessons. In the past we have taken lessons on ‘Marriage and the family’, ‘What makes someone a Christian?’, ‘Worship’ (complete with some Hebrew and Greek), ‘Reasons for believing’ and ‘Picturing Jesus’ (to fit with the well-known unit of work of the same name).

Most recently we worked with staff at King Edward VI School to develop a pair of lessons on Easter for year 8, aiming to answer the questions, ‘Why did Jesus die?’ and ‘What happened on 9th April AD30?’

If you would like to book us for some lesson input, we’d love to hear from you…